Registration is open!

Dream in Green is excited to announce a special opportunity with City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez to bring schools the Mayor’s Challenge!

Together, we invite schools to submit a Public Service Announcement (PSA) video on how to tackle one of the water quality issues facing Biscayne Bay.

Top videos will receive a grant of up to $1,000!



  • K-12 schools (public and charter) must be located within the City of Miami.
  • City of Miami private schools may submit a video but will not be eligible for grant awards.
  • Schools must be enrolled in the Green Schools Challenge. (To enroll your school now submit a registration here.)


All Videos Must Address These Questions:

  • How does contamination from stormwater runoff, plastic pollution, septic tanks, a warming ocean or urban development affect the health of Biscayne Bay and our community? (select 1 problem to highlight)
  • Why is water quality and conservation important?
  • What is the City of Miami doing to address these issues? For example, how is the City working to reduce pollution that flows into Biscayne Bay? What is being done regionally?
  • What initiatives/actions can schools propose to tackle one of these issues and promote water conservation? What can be done?

Video Length: 3 minutes

Video Submission:

  • Video must be student-led
  • Video must include the logos of Dream in Green and the City of Miami.
  • Video must be uploaded to YouTube and link shared with DIG via email by January 29, 2021. Upon request, schools may need to submit raw video file on a flash drive or shared through Dropbox/Google Drive.
  • Video format is open (ex. documentary style, pictures with voice-over, animated, etc)
  • Video can include other languages as long as an English translation is included as subtitles.
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of students that could be features in the video.


  • Video submissions will be judged and scored based on the rubric below.
  • Winning videos will be announced at the Youth Eco-Summit in April 2021.

Register your school to be a part of the Mayor’s Challenge!